DIGITAL: Financial Literacy & Well-Being with Amy Smith

Mar 25, 2020, 11:30 am1:30 pm EDT



After careful consideration of the news regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19), Gibney has decided to make this event digital via Zoom.

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The system is broken and the playing field is not level.  How can we empower ourselves to create new systems and work collectively so that all artists and art workers can thrive financially?  Topics will include valuing your time, “real cost” budgeting, taxes for artists, long term financial thinking, and cooperative economic models.

Amy Smith is a dance and theater artist, educator, and facilitator. She works to dismantle oppressive structures in non-profit organizations and other groups so that artists and low income folks can achieve collective liberation. She does this through financial well-being workshops, one-on-one work with clients giving financial advice and doing tax preparation, consulting with arts organizations, co-facilitating anti-racism sessions with co-facilitators of color, and as a dance and theater educator. Amy co-founded, co-directed, and performed with Headlong, a dance theater non-profit that transformed into a community arts organization over 25 years. She left Headlong in 2019 to pursue her freelance work. She leads financial well-being workshops through Creative Capital, Assets for Artists, and in many other settings. She holds a BA from Wesleyan University and has been greatly affected by her learning as part of artEquity’s National Facilitator Training and other anti-oppression trainings.

Click here for a full list of the resources mentioned.



Gibney 280 Broadway is accessible via elevator from the main entrance at 53A Chambers Street.

We welcome the opportunity to make this event more accessible. Please refrain from wearing scented products, so that people with chemical sensitivities can join us. Please request ASL interpreting, audio description, or open captioning 30 days before the event or submit other requests by completing our Access Requests and Inquiries Form or calling 646.837.6809 (Voice only).