Show/Share: Mackian Bauman, Kelsey Greenway, Eileene Vicencio

Gibney 890 Broadway 890 Broadway, Fifth Floor, New York

Join us in studio 5-2 for showings by Mackian Bauman, Kelsey Greenway, and Eileene Vicencio. Moderated by Troy Ogilvie. FREE. No RSVP required. Show/Share is a sharing and feedback series […]


g1(host) cyphers with nia love

Gibney 890 Broadway 890 Broadway, Fifth Floor, New York

JUN 13, 6:00 - 8:00 PM JUN 22, 6:00 - 8:00 PM STUDIO 6 AT GIBNEY 890 BROADWAY FREE A 2-hour gathering to move, listen, see, sweat, think, talk and […]


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