Gibney Company Announces 2022 Illume Awardee

Gibney Company is thrilled to share that UNA Productions is the 2022 Illume Awardee!
Gibney Company partners with Springboard Danse Montréal to offer the annual Gibney Company/Springboard Illume Award. The Illume Award aims to cultivate and actualize the burgeoning visions of today’s emerging artists toward becoming tomorrow’s creative leaders in the field.
Each year, one of Springboard’s Resident, Fellow or Emerging Choreographers, past or present, is selected to receive the award. Awardees receive a two-night performance run at Gibney Center, opportunities to teach classes and share their creative process, and a $5,000 stipend.
Stay tuned for ways you can engage with 2022 Awardee, UNA Productions throughout the year, including a production of their work in Gibney’s Theater in November 2022!
UNA Productions is a dance production company, founded in 2013 by Artistic Director and Choreographer Chuck Wilt, creating, teaching and performing internationally, and based bi-coastally in San Francisco and NYC. UNA’s mission is to discover and communicate deeply rooted embodiments of human existence through physically powerful dancing and imagery that are evocative and colorful. UNA celebrates individuality and is dedicated to bringing vibrancy and joy to the world.
UNA has been presented by the Clarice-Smith Performing Arts Center, the Chutzpah! Festival in Vancouver, Sointula and Alert Bay-performing and engaging in cultural exchange with the ‘Namgis First Nation Community, presented by Fusion International:Japan in Kaga and Tokyo, co-presented by the ODC Theater, presented by the Spectrum Dance Festival, Movement Research at the Judson Church, 92nd St. Y, Jacob’s Pillow Inside/Out, Platform! Montreal, CPR and more. Chuck/UNA has been an Artist in Residence of Berkeley Ballet Theater, Fusion International (Japan), Brooklyn College/CUNY Dance Initiative, The Launchpad/Dance Initiative (CO), 92nd St. Y, and a choreographic fellow for the Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation NDCL. Wilt and UNA’s Associates have created and set repertory for KSU Dance, Springboard Danse Montreal as Resident and Emerging choreographer, NYU Tisch Dance, UMD, SALT Pro, Ailey Fordham, Mason Gross Rutgers University, LINES Training Program, Berkeley Ballet Theater/Post Ballet/SF Girls Chorus, LITVAKdance Company, and the ODC Youth Company. This winter, Chuck will create new work for Post Ballet with the Kronos Quartet.
Launched jointly in 2018 by Gibney and Springboard Danse Montrèal, the ILLUME Choreographic Award is a natural extension of Springboard’s mission to connect artists to new opportunities, collaborators, and cultural organizations worldwide. It highlights the continual expansion of Gibney Company’s mission: from its beginning as a vehicle for the choreographic vision of its Founder Gina Gibney to then welcoming re-stagings and new commissions from a wide range of guest choreographers, and now creating a platform to provide visibility, resources, and space to rising voices in the community. Learn more and view past awardees.

Photos by Stephen Texeira.