Moving Toward Justice Curriculum

Gibney’s Moving Toward Justice (MTJ) Curriculum cultivates spaces for ‘artist entrepreneurs’ to build skills and foster dialogue and exchange at the intersection of arts and social justice.
Geared toward artists, educators, administrators and activists alike, these sessions offer a low commitment, light touch entry point to MTJ programming at Gibney. Facilitated by Director of Engagement Amy Miller.
Workshop 1 focuses on sharing Gibney’s Model and Methods – history of the org working alongside social workers and survivors addressing gender-based violence. (more in-depth description added)
Workshop 2 focuses on sharing frameworks for self-management, self-awareness and self-empowerment as a daily preparation for collective action. (AAOC)(more in-depth description added)
Workshop 3 brings a trauma-informed perspective to an experience crafted for facilitators that focuses not on a specific subject area per se, but rather highlights overarching approaches to facilitation itself – not ‘what,’ but ‘how.’(more in-depth description added)
A twice a month, 8 session online series geared toward folx who have experienced MTJ >>>Reflect and want to go deeper into a skills-based curriculum that flexes the muscle of arts administration to hone entrepreneurial approaches and better manifest socially-minded project ideas. Facilitated by Director of Engagement Amy Miller alongside Gina Gibney, Nigel Campbell and other members of Gibney’s Executive Leadership Team. This program has an application process announced in Fall 2022 with implementation in Spring 2023.
A twice a month, 8 session online series holds space for guest speakers to share about their specific social justice projects addressing equity in the dance field. MTJ>>>Collaborate is geared toward artists, who may have experienced MTJ>>>Reflect and now want to go deeper into messy conversations about activism, name challenges for our field and generate crowd-sourced, renewable fuel with like-minded artists and activists around the world. Facilitated by Amy Miller alongside Gibney Executive Leadership Team and invited social justice champions from the larger Gibney community. This program has an application process announced in Summer 2022 with implementation in Fall 2022.
This in-person, week long intensive is held at 280 Broadway in January each year diving deeper into the facilitation focus of MTJ>>>Reflect Workshop 3. Geared toward educators, facilitators, administrators and choreographers, the facilitation philosophies offered highlight ways to bake in practices aimed at softening our resistance of difference, resistance to the unknown, and resistance to others’ successes – a shifting that may begin to chip away at the roots of the oppressive systems and supremacy culture within which we have all been conditioned and have largely normalized in our daily lives. We flex the muscle of facilitation as both creating and allowing – both making something happen and getting out of the way to reveal what’s already there.This program has an application process announced in Fall 2022 with implementation in January 2023.
Join us for monthly in-person wellness workshops facilitated by Director of Engagement Amy Miller that are rooted in Gibney’s Move to Move Beyond Workshop model developed alongside survivors of gender-based violence with a trauma-informed foundation of individual choice-making in a supportive collective. Additional wellness workshops facilitated by Kyle Bernbach, Jannah Schwarz and representatives from the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries.
Artist Services – individual consulting with members of Gibney’s Executive Leadership Team for artists, administrators, choreographers and educators toward career decision-making, curriculum development advice and feedback on facilitation.