Gibney is able to offer subsidized rehearsal rates, thanks to generous support from Dance/NYC’s New York City Dance Rehearsal Space Subsidy Program made possible by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Mertz Gilmore Foundation, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Gibney offers $10/hr subsidized rates to non-profit and independent dance artists for non-profit dance rehearsal (NPDR) rentals.
All artists are welcome to request the subsidized hours. We encourage diverse artists to take advantage of this opportunity, including but not limited to those who identify with any of the following:
- Small-budget dancemakers (with annual expense budgets less than $500,000) who have a financial need for subsidies and those who may operate outside the non-profit business model
- ALAANA (African, Latino/a/x, Asian, Arab, Native American), disabled, immigrant, women-identifying, gender nonconforming/nonbinary/
genderqueer, transgender, LGBTQIA+ dance makers - Dance makers who represent a diversity of dancemaking perspectives, including percussive dance forms
The subsidized hours are allocated on a monthly basis. Distribution of the hours is on a first come, first served basis and once all hours have been allotted for a given month, the subsidy opportunity will pause. It will resume when the following month’s calendar opens.
Each artist is limited to a total of 14 hours of subsidized space per calendar year. This enables us to extend the subsidized rates to as many artists as possible. The first time you rent rehearsal space using these new subsidized rates, you must complete the Artist Registration Form.
To book subsidized rehearsal space, please create or login to your Gibney Rental account and complete the Non-Profit Dance Rehearsal Request form. Please note that you are requesting subsidized rates in the “Additional Requests” portion of your form in order to have this discount applied.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Gibney Rentals team at
Gibney offers half-price non-profit rehearsal rentals in all studios for rentals that are held between 8am -10am Monday-Friday. Please reach out to the Gibney Rentals team at to learn more!